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St Peter's Primary School, Ross Road, Belfast
Friday 20th December School Finishes Half Day for Christmas Holidays 🎅
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Healthy Break › files Web results Healthy breaks for scho children guide PDF - Department of ..

Open the image or click the link above to read advice around healthy breaks and why they are so important for your child. W

Why is a healthy break important?

  • Childhood is an important time to establish good eating and drinking habits for future health.
  •  School healthy eating schemes give pupils the knowledge and opportunity to make healthier choices. 
  • Teachers have suggested that a healthy snack at break time can help with pupils’ concentration and behaviour in the classroom.
  •  It encourages suitable drinks and snacks to help prevent tooth decay.
  • It helps to meet our target of five or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day

For more information click the link below. › files Web results Healthy breaks for scho children guide PDF - Department of ...


If a child requires a special diet that will not allow the guidance to
be met exactly, please discuss with your School

We ask that all children come to school with a healthy break each day. 

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.